Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 9 AM to Noon Phone: 941-697-3313
Pastor Brian Armen

Pastor Armen, a graduate of Trinity Lutheran Seminary Master of Divinity ‘87 and the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, Doctorate in Ministry ’05, grew up in Pittsburgh, PA and served his ministry internship in Townline, (Buffalo) NY. After seminary, his first call was to Redeemer Lutheran in Fairdale, ND.
He and his wife Lori then returned to Pennsylvania, where he served congregations in Altoona and most recently at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Johnstown. Lori is a social worker and patient educator for dialysis patients. They have two adult sons. Jonathan and his wife, Hannah, live in Tampa. Stephen, now graduated from college, is working at The State College of Florida (Bradenton Campus.)
Pastor Armen responded to the call of the Holy Spirit and the congregation of Faith Lutheran, by stating “I accept the call to join with you sharing in God’s work as your Pastor.”
“Paul writing to the church at Rome says in part: ‘that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.’ (Romans 1.12)”
As we begin our journey of faith and life together, it is with the common bond of faith in God, our Lord Jesus, and the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ invitation to those who would follow him is; “come and see.” (John 1.39) When Philip tells Nathanael about Jesus, and Nathanael hesitates, Philip responds, “Come and see.”
Part of our ministry together is about extending the invitation for others to come and see what God is doing. The Holy Spirit leads us into life as faithful workers in God’s kingdom, extending an invitation, sowing seed.” (Nov. 1, 2013)