Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 9 AM to Noon Phone: 941-697-3313
Our Ministries
Opportunities for Involvement at Faith
Faith Lutheran Church has many opportunities for people to work together in furthering God’s mission. These opportunities allow each individual to use their unique talents and gifts in furthering God’s work and deepening their personal relationship to God.
Study and Faith-building Opportunities
- Adult Sunday School – A lay led study of one of the books of the Bible or a related topic.
- Book Studies – An opportunity to read and discuss a topic from the perspective of a Christian author.
- Small Group Studies – Meeting to study and pray in an informal home setting.
Fellowship Opportunities
- Soup Suppers – Prior to midweek services during Lent a soup supper is provided by volunteers.
- Women’s Luncheons – Each month the women of the church gather at an area restaurant to fellowship.
- Men’s Breakfasts – Once per month the men of the congregation meet for devotions, breakfast and discussion.
At Faith Lutheran of Rotonda West, we truly believe that it is
“God’s Work – Our Hands.”
Outreach Activities
Support for many community caring services. For example:
- “The Twelve Weeks of Christmas,” supporting St. Francis of Assisi’s Food Bank. Each week members bring specific items most needed by the food bank.
- Members bring food and contributions throughout the year.
- Faith also supports Kid’s Needs through “Sock and Shoe Sunday,” when members donate children’s socks and shoes.
- Last year, members provided support for a mission in Haiti, helping to build a well for an impoverished village.
Faith also serves the community by providing a place for groups to meet or a venue for community activities.
- Two Girl Scout troops meet at Faith, as does a group of Girl Scout leaders.
- An Alcoholic Anonymous Group meets here regularly
- A Rotonda West Women’s Group meets regularly at Faith.
- The Lemon Bay Chord Company uses the church for concerts.
- The Church serves as a distribution site for Toys for Tots.
Faith Lutheran Church believes in being a community resource.
Church Service Opportunities
- Tuesday Morning Work Group – A group who meet every Tuesday morning to help maintain and improve the church building and property.
- Lutheran Chicks – A group of women who meet regularly to create handcrafted cards for those in need. They also are involved in crafts and other creative activities such as designing and building Faith’s float for the Rotonda Christmas Parade.
- Stephen Ministry – A dedicated and specially trained group of volunteers who can provide support for those facing a time of crisis or needing someone to listen to them.
- Our Church Choir – A group who meet regularly to praise God through song at worship.
- Church Committees – A variety of committees providing the basic backbone of church governance and giving all members an opportunity to be involved in the governance of our Church.
The following are the current standing committees at Faith Lutheran: Education, Evangelism, Fellowship, Stewardship, Worship and Music, Finance, Property.